Exchange 2013 Database Is Mandatory on Usermailbox

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I had to make an emergency migration from one exchange server to another. Both are exchange 2016. I thought everything was working just fine. Mail flows in both directions. No errors. Until I tried adding a new account. That's when I get this stupid error. Every single mailbox gives this error. When I select edit on a mailbox, I get that error. When I run " Get-Mailbox -Arbitration | ft Name, ServerName, Database -Auto", I don't get the info the Microsoft docs say I shoulWhat is going on?

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49 Replies

Stratos7951 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 07:08 UTC

Try the following:


Get-Mailbox -Database "Database name here" -Arbitration | ft Name,ServerName,Database -Auto

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 12:54 UTC

Sounds like a corrupt or missing attribute on the 'homeMDB' attribute.

Open the system mailboxes attributes in ADSIEdit and review the 'homeMDB' attribute.


Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 13:08 UTC

You won't find it in Exchange, you would find it in ADSIEdit.msc or in Active Directory under "users" with a name of 'systemmailbox.....'

Make sure advanced features is turned on in AD, then open the system mailbox properties in AD, go to the attribute editor tab, scroll down to the homeMDB attribute and see if it is populated.



I have six and they look disabled.


Only one of them is missing that information. Should I copy the string from one of the others? Should I enable them?


Will I need to reboot or restart any services?

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 13:26 UTC

Shouldn't need to, but if that doesn't fix the issue, then the system mailboxes will need to be rebuilt from the Exchange installation media.



Jay6111 wrote:

Shouldn't need to, but if that doesn't fix the issue, then the system mailboxes will need to be rebuilt from the Exchange installation media.


That sucks. Will I lose any data? Is it a complete reinstall or is there an option to just rebuild the system mailboxes?

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 13:31 UTC

The data lost in those mailboxes is insignificant as they are corrupt right now anyway. Basically you delete the system mailboxes from AD and the federation, migration mailboxes as well. Should all be in the same location. Then open an elevated command prompt, change directories to the location where the Exchange media is located and then run the following.

                                                            Setup                              .                              exe                              /                              PrepareAD                              /                              IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms                            

That will recreate the system mailboxes.



I am getting the error on every single mailbox I select in the ECP. So will I lose every single mailbox and all the mail there?

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 13:40 UTC

Are you deleting their mailboxes? Then no.

It's a common thing, so much so, there is a TechNet on it.



Jay6111 wrote:

Are you deleting their mailboxes? Then no.

It's a common thing, so much so, there is a TechNet on it.


Ok. Just making sure. There would be a lot of unhappy people...


Jay6111 wrote:

The data lost in those mailboxes is insignificant as they are corrupt right now anyway. Basically you delete the system mailboxes from AD and the federation, migration mailboxes as well. Should all be in the same location. Then open an elevated command prompt, change directories to the location where the Exchange media is located and then run the following.

                                                            Setup                              .                              exe                              /                              PrepareAD                              /                              IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms                            

That will recreate the system mailboxes.


So I did that and now none of the system mailboxes have anything in homemdb.

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 13:53 UTC

You're not done yet.

Now open the Exchange management shell and run the following,

                                                            Get-User                              |                              Where                                                            {                              $_                              .                              Name                                                            like                              "SystemMailbox*"                              }                              |                              Enable-Mailbox                              -Arbitration                              Get-User                              |                              Where                                                            {                              $_                              .                              Name                                                            like                              "FederatedEmail*"                              }                              |                              Enable-Mailbox                                                            Arbitration                            

Then change the name of the system mailbox to 'Microsoft Exchange' by running the following.

                                                            Get-Mailbox                                                            Identity                              "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29*"                                                            Arbitration                              |                              Set-Mailbox                                                            Arbitration                                                            DisplayName                              "Microsoft Exchange"                            

Then set the quota limit on the federation mailbox by running the following,

                                                            Get-Mailbox                                                            Arbitration                                                            Identity                              "FederatedEmail*"                              }                              |                              Set-Mailbox                                                            Arbitration                                                            ProhibitSendQuota                              1MB                            

Then test by running the get-mailbox -arbitration and see if they show up now.



When I get to  Get-Mailbox –Identity "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29*" –Arbitration | Set-Mailbox –Arbitration –DisplayName "Microsoft Exchange" I get

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 14:21 UTC

The repair did not work then.

Open the properties of the system mailboxes in AD again, goto the attribute editor tab, scroll down to the homemdb attribute and open it.

This should have an attribute similar to

CN=<Database-Name>,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrive Groups,CN=<YOUR DOMAIN>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<YOUR DOMAIN NAME>,DC=COM



Jay6111 wrote:

The repair did not work then.

Open the properties of the system mailboxes in AD again, goto the attribute editor tab, scroll down to the homemdb attribute and open it.

This should have an attribute similar to

CN=<Database-Name>,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrive Groups,CN=<YOUR DOMAIN>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<YOUR DOMAIN NAME>,DC=COM


That is present in all the mailboxes now. Still getting that same error though.

Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 14:25 UTC

The steps I gave you are basically following this TechNet.

Beyond that, populating the homemdb attribute manually may fix it but if it doesn't then I suspect you have more issues in the environment.


Jay6111 This person is a Verified Professional
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Sep 25, 2017 at 14:26 UTC

Try restarting the servers then. Not ideal, but about the only thing left I can think of.


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Exchange 2013 Database Is Mandatory on Usermailbox


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