what taxes does one pay to live in pennsylvania

The payment and withholding of earned income taxes ("EIT taxes") in the Democracy of Pennsylvania at times seems like a circuitous maze and is challenging for human resources professionals or a company's payroll tax squad. In May of 2018, [1  Pennsylvania amended its Local Tax Enabling Act. [2]   Most Pennsylvania municipalities levy an earned income tax on their residents at the rate of 1%.  Almost all municipalities also have a "non-resident" EIT tax rate, which is the same or higher than the rate for "residents." [three]   Some distressed municipalities have a college EIT Tax charge per unit, resulting in the division of withholding taxes between the employee's resident municipality and the workplace municipality.

The following is a guide for employers on the proper withholding of municipal earned income taxes ("EIT Taxes") for employees working out of a location where the piece of work location EIT tax is greater than 1%.  Yet, this guide will utilize to whatever political subdivision in which the employer is located.  For purposes of illustration in this guide, the employer is located in the hypothetical "Example Metropolis" that has a piece of work location EIT tax of i.4%. [4]

  1. Residency Certification Forms.  All employers in Pennsylvania must consummate a Residency Certification Grade for each of its employees in order to compare the employees' "Full Resident EIT Charge per unit" for the municipality where the employee resides with the "Piece of work Location Non-Resident EIT Charge per unit" for the municipality in which the employee works. At times, both EIT rates volition be identical either (a) because the employee is domiciled in the same political subdivision that he or she works, or (b) because the EIT rates for both political subdivisions are the same.   This grade can be plant online at:  https://www.hab-inc.com/wpcontent/uploads/Residency-Certification-Form-D... This form must be signed by the employee who certifies his resident municipality is correct.  Employers are permitted to rely on their certification.

  2. PA Resident Employees. Local earned income taxes for employees in Pennsylvania are political subdivision-based and divided with the local school district, depending on the employee'southward residence.  The EIT tax is assessed by the city, township, or borough (political subdivision) where the employee's residence is located (for PA resident employees) and withheld and paid past the employer to the employee'due south designated residence tax collector quarterly ("resident municipality"). For PA resident employees, in well-nigh all instances, the employee'south resident municipality volition be paid its entire applicable EIT Revenue enhancement, even when traveling and working at other job sites.  The amount of EIT tax that is withheld is determined by comparing the employee's residence EIT rate ("Total Resident EIT Rate") to the municipality where the employee works ("Work Location Non-Resident EIT Rate").  Employers must ever withhold the higher of the two, which would be 1.4% for the Example City.

  3. PSD Codes.   Political Subdivision Codes ("PSD Codes") are a 6 digit lawmaking that identifies the employee'due south residence municipality in question, as well as the employer's work location municipality. These codes can be obtained from the PA.gov website, where employers can also obtain the applicative earned income tax charge per unit, if any, for the political subdivision in question.

  4. Out-of-Country Employees.   The Local Tax Enabling Deed uses the term "non-resident" to refer to employees working in PA municipalities exterior the employee's PA resident municipality or dwelling.  This can be confusing and must be kept in mind when interpreting the taxation for "out-of-country employees." [5]

An employer must also complete the "Residency Certification Form" for all of its out-of-state employees.  For an employee who lives out of country, the "Residence PSD Code" will be 88000 and the "Total Resident EIT Rate" will exist 0%.   EIT taxes for out-of-state employees must also be withheld based on where the employee works ("Work Location NonResident EIT Rate"), besides as the Local Services Revenue enhancement ("LST") based on the PA work location municipality.  The employee must so apply for a credit if his or her local out-of country municipality besides imposes a local earned income revenue enhancement.

  1. Travelers.   Employers who have employees (PA residents or out-of-country employees) that travel to various job sites or assignments are required to withhold the EIT wage tax as follows:

  2. Job Assignments of Less than Xc Sequent Days.   If an employee works less than ninety sequent days at a chore location, employers must withhold the greater of the employee's resident EIT revenue enhancement (which is 0% for an out of state employee) or the employee'south Work Location Non-Resident EIT tax based on the location of the permanent home role of the employee.  For the Case City, the amount withheld is one.4%.

Accordingly, in this case, the employer's office address volition exist accounted the employee's permanent work location role, and the Case City volition receive the entire i.4% for an out-of-state employee.    PA resident employees who travel to a chore assignment that lasts less than 90 sequent days will have their residence EIT tax paid to their resident municipality, and the deviation, if any, (in this case

.4% for the Instance City) will be paid their Employer's work location municipality, with zilch being paid to the job location municipality.

  1. Job Assignments of Ninety Consecutive Days or More.   If the employee works ninety or more days at a chore location, they are deemed to not have worked in their employer'south piece of work location municipality for this period. The job site now is the "work location" for EIT tax purposes.  Accordingly, for the menstruum that they are traveling that equals or exceeds ninety consecutive days, employers must withhold the greater of the employee's Resident EIT Revenue enhancement (which is zip for an out-ofstate employee) or the employee'due south Piece of work Location Not-Resident Tax at the rate based on the job site location.   Distribution of the withheld EIT taxation will be equally follows:

  2. For a PA resident, employers would instruct its piece of work location municipality'southward tax collector to remit the resident's EIT tax to its resident municipality, and any deviation to the work location municipality, where the job is located.   Usually there volition exist no difference, and the work location municipality will receive zilch for the employee's work.  Every bit set forth above, the PA resident's resident municipality unremarkably always gets its levied EIT tax.

  3. For an out-of-state employee, employers would instruct its piece of work location municipality's tax collector to remit the unabridged EIT taxation to the piece of work location municipality where the job site is located.  Nothing would exist paid to their employer's work location municipality in this case.

  4. Case:   If an employer sends a PA resident employee to a chore site in Wheeling, West Virginia, and the employee reports straight to this job site for ninety or more sequent days, the employer withholds no wage taxation for the Example Metropolis for the employee.  The employer would withhold and instruct its piece of work location municipality's tax collector to pay to the employee'due south resident municipality the levied EIT tax for this PA resident.

  5. Instance:   If an employer has a W Virginia employee who is sent to a job site in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and the employee reports directly to this site for 90 or more consecutive days, the employer would withhold nothing for the Example Urban center and would withhold and instruct its piece of work location municipality'south tax collector to pay to Uniontown the unabridged applicable Piece of work Location Non-Resident EIT revenue enhancement for this employee.

  6. Out-of-Land Employees Who Report First to the Office Location and Travel to a Work Site for Ninety or More Sequent Days.

The Instance City may take the position that such employees are working out of the employer'due south office at the Example Metropolis on a daily basis and non permanently assigned to any task site and demand that the entire 1.4% be paid.

In this state of affairs, if the employee is assigned on a permanent footing to a job site located out of the Instance City and works ninety or more consecutive days at that site, to avoid a dispute betwixt the Instance City and the job site municipality, you may want to eliminate the employee reporting daily to the employer'due south part in the Example City for whatsoever purpose, such as to pick upwards a motor vehicle, and have the employee report directly to the chore site for all purposes.  Act 18 of 2018, does not offer much guidance on this issue, but it could exist interpreted to require the payment of the EIT tax to the chore site municipality and hence a dispute may develop.

The payment of taxes would exist as outlined to a higher place for traveling employees.  For PA residents every bit stated, the EIT taxation would go along to be paid to their resident municipality, only if the job site EIT tax (Work Location Not-Resident EIT Taxation) is greater, the difference would be paid to the task site's municipal location.  For an out-of-state employee, the entire EIT chore site municipality's tax would be paid to the task site's municipal location at the Work Location Non-Resident EIT Rate.

  1. Utilise of a Single Local Tax Collector.   Employers with multiple work sites beyond the state of PA can remit their taxes to a single designated taxation paying agency.  This was created to simplify the tax payments and this process.   This option is usually only utilized by extremely big employer with multiple work location sites and addresses.  However, this will crave the employer to remit the taxes monthly instead of quarterly. The assigned revenue enhancement collector will disperse the aforementioned to the diverse municipalities.

  2. Act 18 of 2018 and The Human activity 32 Policy and Procedural Manual.  In May of 2018, Deed eighteen of 2018 amended the Local Revenue enhancement Enabling Human action and provided additional guidance.   Also, on page 88 of The Act 32 Policy and Procedural Transmission, the following was added this twelvemonth with regard to traveling employees:

"Work Rules Past Location"

How should employers withhold local EIT from employees who travel from site to site on a regular ground and do not maintain a place of employment in the areas where they piece of work?

  1. If an employee is working temporarily at a PA facility for a period of fourth dimension that encompasses a "reporting quarter", and then the facility site would exist the work location address used to decide the EIT rate and corresponding PSD code in the Address Search.

  2. If an private works for an employer who has a central business location in PA, but the employee "floats" or is transferred daily, weekly, or monthly between other business organization sites, and so the central or main employer business location would be the work location address to make up one's mind the EIT charge per unit and corresponding PSD lawmaking in the Accost Search.

  3. If an employee is hired by an employer and receives piece of work orders or instructions at home in PA but physically reports to other business sites on a daily, weekly, or monthly ground, so the employee's dwelling house address should be used equally both the home and work location address used to determine the EIT rates and corresponding PSD codes in the Address Search.

Case 1 is the ninety consecutive day dominion, but uses a "reporting quarter" for some unknown reason instead of 90 consecutive days.   Employers would apply the job's work location address to determine the EIT rate for withholding purposes and compare this with the employee's resident municipality rate to determine the higher of the two EIT tax withholding rates as fix forth above.

Example 2 deals with the question of how to handle an employee who reports to the main office and picks up instruction and their vehicles, and then travels to a task site.  In this situation, the example states that the employer'southward central or main office is the work site for EIT purposes.  Since the employee is a floater, he is not working at any ane site for 90 or more than consecutive days.

Example 3 is the situation where the employee physically reports to other businesses directly and receives his instructions at home.  In this example, the employee'south resident home address is both the work and habitation location for EIT lawmaking purposes.

Below is an easy reference nautical chart to assist employers in traversing through this EIT withholding maze.

[one] Human action xviii of 2018 - Act of May iv, 2018, P.L. 102, No. eighteen

[ii] P.L. 1257 No. 511 known equally The Local Tax Enabling Act or Act 32.

[three] A "Nonresident" is defined in Act 18 of 2018 as: "A person or business organization domiciled exterior the political subdivision levying the tax and performing services inside the political subdivision levying the tax for at least 90 or more than consecutive days."

[4] It should be noted that the Employer's work location municipality'south designated tax collecting entity, such every bit Keystone Collection Group for example, volition do the actual disbursement of the taxes to the proper municipalities, nonetheless, the Employer is responsible for deducting the right amount of revenue enhancement and submitting the proper PSD codes for each of its employees to the tax collecting agency designated by the municipality.

[five] For purposes of this article, employees who reside in a country other than Pennsylvania will be referred to every bit " outof -state" employees and not as "non-residents."

© Steptoe & Johnson PLLC. All Rights Reserved. National Police force Review, Volume Viii, Number 264


Source: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/traversing-maze-local-wage-tax-withholding-pennsylvania-under-act-32-guide

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